Na Spast her? as I say? I feel good! Well in the great weather and so beautiful amounts in my account no wonder. There are yes almost forgot the spinners that do annoy me daily. Apparently not many can even read. I'm not talking to you, if you're useless! For me, just only interested in what use to me as well. No gift, no reply. Again I write this not.
But once pleasing to things. Ichw ar nice today was with my friend, were eating nice to have drunk a glass of wine and you know what? Male power plays and bobbing your Minischwänzchen. I've got a nice surprise for you. There is a short video, where I live for the first time and can see in color and worship. And new pictures are also the idea, but I work tomorrow if I have more desire. Oh, and the video is unfortunately only in IE on my home page. So you care if you want to see it.
Miss Sexy Greedy
Addendum: I'm
times nice today, you stupid wanker
I feel so wonderful! you and your her top fool? I'm now pretty lazy few days in the sun. Man what I have become golden brown. Really crisp. Besides, I had quite a few coupons in my mailbox. But it is never enough! MORE!
And while diligently for her so beautiful ME works, I'll give your hard earned cash again. Therefore it applies to you: More work! I want more money and more gifts! Oh and for those who write to me constantly and adore me, for those who do not get paid, no answer! I have more important things than me that leave, just stop talking. Even if I am on the PC just once bored, I will not answer if not the gift was preceded by!
Got it, you stupid foot soldiers? Oh, and this week are new pictures of me, so schonmal scraped her knee on the stupid idiot and your coal.
time deflower way you dirty little fucker, I'm not like the desire to constantly to change my HP, as had such a diary ago. Grade I was disabled when you create something, but obviously are, otherwise I will not bother me of course. Manfred
it means to be an old sack and knew nothing at all to begin with Moneyslavery. Well, just typical studio members. Paid once just an old woman for having him on Minischwänzchen plays. How ever. Manni has tried the same times and sent me a ridiculous € 25 voucher. Quite nice but not really true. So he got the job immediately afterwards send another one. Well, there then came 35th Okay, sure that he indeed has no idea, very funny to begin with. But then it seems well but the lust to have packed and so was quite unexpected, a third GS over 40 €. Well, at least songwriter now a sweet little amount that I can squander on Amazon. And so it is basically: MORE
Now I go with my friends nice drink. Is after all Friday night. And Manny has instructed my bank account immediately to carry with you and every time he passes a savings bank, he will get a racing heart and then have me a handsome amount. And why? Because I've earned it!
long so ...
Miss Sexy Greedy