Fitzel @ 2008-03-21T05: 31:00
Juhu! I've slept so damned good. Namely, not at all. So I'll do to your PC, want a little music and horn Juhu! My itunes list has itself kompleeeett deleted, destroyed, killed. All songs, all playlists, everything just gone. I wonder where? Itunes Thank you. My pretty out lists for years, simply gooooone, ahh. Turn off. Did not help. System Restore. Non-functioning well. Now I sit here with eingeschlafenem foot and put all the music folder again pure. I look forward to. Good morning!
I lack sleep, clear. Or coffee. Or both ^ ^ It is still
nichmal 6th I did feel like pizza. hmm
Dear itunes, make me a pizza for the compensation immediately.
thanks. .
Your Isobello
PS: expect not only Easter from me!
Happy holidays to you!
I'm going to Hesse.